« 昨日の夕飯(焼きししゃも、冷ややっこのベーコンのせ、小松菜と油揚げの煮びたし | トップページ | 昨日の夕飯(グリーンカレー) »

2007年3月15日 (木)











 なにせ卑弥呼は卑弥call、鷹女は the 鷹 woman ですもの。機械は、俳句の翻訳に特に苦労するようです。


The becoming deep [te] of the dream which our soul (the cartridge) color lily white of the valley [a] [hi] comes and/Hanami of the lily does not end





 下の折り畳んだ部分に、当ブログの英語版 The memorandum of  madam N から、昨日の冒頭部分をコピーしてみました。

The writer and the idea house summary which are introduced with this site

         * Extremely it only touched lightly the person who tried criticism from the person
             To, the pickup it has done.
             Number is first appearing order.
             Please click date, it flies to the article which corresponds.

The writer and the idea house summary which read the continuation and “introduce with this site”


“You open, the [bo] - the wicked mandrel supporter national story -” serialization 79th time

“Long separation. You returned to the Imperial Court, it is with inhaling, don't you think?. Whether the [do] being visible, the house it seems it comes shrewdly and those which are your thing. Successfully that it is imagining whether so you will do.

 So [kiyorokiyoro] and the queen are searched, passing, the inferior [a] eye. Quite, the green rubbish which desires the breast you want.

 It is such a wind and others it does, green the amulet the plate it does not become the oral [ya] 傅 growth official (the [hu] the can which goes) as from now on, how, serious, well”

 There was no vigor which it withstands mocking the wormwood, in me. The cheek also dyeing do in red of disgrace, the look where I where is am weak, it seemed that 怯 can increase the wormwood conversely.

 She seemed was frank, abruptly and purposely moved aside the lip which 溌 剌 with moves to my ear.

“This, other than aide secret.

 After you going down to the village, the time where either one year does not do - - certain, time of your childbirth not to be, the [te]? - - The queen collapsed.

 Forcing [tsu]! Ever since, the body to be inconvenient, and others doing. The 尤, the [wa] which you think that it is not about the paralysis of one half of the body [tsu] [te]. Don't you think? as for weakening certain.

 Way just this can leap serious situation, naturally even to the general people of the Imperial Court truth however you think, that it is spreading, leaps well, for the present to the public, the barrel operates well,”

 The wormwood floated the smile to which the instant ghostly air is fragrant.

 When you distinguish [toshigori] and, the [me] [za] it solves, comes in this, is not kind “in kind horse Tosi the [te]!”With coquettishly the eye [ku] that the [se] after doing, me you grew tired of being, as if to say swiftly floating cool sign, to the companion it departed.

“It doesn't go to just a little outside? As for the 此 place, for the present, I not to be, because also the [te] is all right”, [toshigori] urged me. (Continuation)

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Supper of yesterday (kim chee bowl, salad [oniondoretsushingu])

2007031123445120070311234616  The supper of yesterday was, the kim chee bowl, salad [oniondoretsushingu] and the miso soup (the bran and the blue 梗 greens, the shiitake).

  Because today you say, that the daughter goes to the people and the burning butcher shop of the workplace, the husband and the cover [ri] which are holiday, you ate out.

 Because while it began to write the article of the supper of yesterday you went out, after returning home, you have written.

 The kim chee bowl did the same making as the last time. Being able to make simple, in the truly tasty bowl the shank. [reshipi] this is.

20070311233813 20070311233842  Salad [oniondoretsushingu], “the NHK 'present cooking' pocket series <color edition> the salad” (the Nippon Broadcasting System publication association, 1979) referred [reshipi] of the same name.

 As for the vegetable which you used, the sheath kidney bean and the cucumber and the onion are the same. In the book in other things, the boiled egg, the parsley is used.

 From the book, method of making the onion dressing is introduced. The material is equivalent of 4.

 Onion dressing

Dissolving seems small spoon 1, lowering onion large spoon 1, salt small spoon 2/3, the pepper a little, sugar small spoon 2/3, salad oil large spoon 3, inserting in the order of vinegar large spoon 2, it mixes.

 It stops wanting, it is the tasty dressing where to try applying to various ones the ~.

20070311223937  You observe to the color of the bran!  The vegetable kneads and densely it is it is the bran which is.


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